Happy New Year!

As our focus now shifts into the new year, consider this an opportune time– with our calendar and earth cycles beginning anew– to take a mindful pause and recalibrate.  What intention are you taking into the New Year?  What limitations are you ready to let go of?  What internal or external changes are begging to be made?  Although it seems elementary, if you’re wanting change…are you actually up for changing?

Perhaps there are goals or resolutions you’d like to make this year, maybe some of which you may have unsuccessfully made before.  Regardless of the type of change, from external goal to seemingly small internal shift, as someone who works with clients daily on objectives and intentions, I often see the initial motivation turn quickly into life-as-usual after the enthusiasm subsides.  If this year you wish to truly empower yourself to make a sustainable refinement or change, take an extra moment to consider what it would take to really do so (time, support, clarity, accountability, planning, etc.)

These are all wonderful questions to think or meditate upon during this naturally transitory time.  If you’re a nature lover like me, the outdoors are easily conducive to moments of solitude, introspection and contemplation, and could be such a place to begin asking yourself some of these questions. The next time you find yourself overlooking the ocean, gazing across an expansive landscape or in simply in a little parcel of nature in your city, consider taking the opportunity to reflect with gratitude on this past year and a few minutes towards aligning yourself with these new thoughts and intentions.

May this year be another year in which we truly thrive, one filled with copious blessings, good health, inclusivity, and joy for us all.

Happy New Year!


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