Awaken. Connect. Cultivate.


Happy New Year!

As our focus now shifts into the new year, consider this an opportune time– with our calendar and earth cycles beginning anew– to take a mindful pause and recalibrate.  What intention are you taking into the New Year?  What limitations are you ready to let go of?  What internal or external changes are begging to be made?  Although it seems elementary, if you’re wanting change…are you actually up for changing?


50,000 Thoughts A Day

It is said that the average college-educated person thinks an average of 50,000 thoughts a day. How many of these thoughts do you think you are aware of? How many do you think you repeat? How many of your thoughts change your current disposition or future beliefs? These questions and more had me once again think about the radical importance of consciously creating our thoughts, or what I call “purposeful thinking.”


Cultivate More Company Success

“No matter how healthy individual employees are when they start out, if they work in a dysfunctional system, they’ll burn out.”  How you improve your company’s results by addressing company culture and morale, for increased satisfaction, fulfillment and effectiveness across the board.


With What Are You Building Your Future?

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.” Buddha’s quote is ageless, and one of the main tenets of transformative work. There is so much in these few words:  freedom, choice, empowerment, responsibility, inspiration, change, and wisdom.


Are Some People Just Born More Happy?

Have you ever wondered if people were just born happy or if it’s an acquired trait—and if it were, is it too late to learn their secrets?

Positive Psychology is based on the idea that 40% of your happiness comes from Intentional Activity: that is, your actions, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes—all of which are malleable—and, in your control.  I believe people think certain thoughts many times over, they subsequently have a feeling associated with the thought, and it then turns into a belief they think to be the true. In not much time, these “truths” set up the way we think of others, our world, and ourselves.


What’s Your Story?

Starting in the early 1960’s, research began to show that most people are not very realistic or accurate in what they think.  In other words, what we think is true is highly debatable.  We are master storytellers.  We tell stories about ourselves, others and the world, and most importantly—think they are all factual and true.  I’ve spoken with many clients about what I’ve found to be the principle process of how we naturally create a story or belief:
